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Семинар "Business meetings. Эффективные совещания на английском языке"

29 ноября
2 дня (16 часов)
30 ноября
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Место проведения: 
г.Санкт-Петербург, Лиговский проспект, 73

УРОВЕНЬ   ПОДГОТОВКИ  – Pre Intermediate /INTERMEDIATE / Upper Intermediate

Целевая  аудитория:

Курс предназначен для руководителей, менеджеров среднего и высшего звена, а также всех, кто хочет повысить эффективность проведения совещаний.

This course is suitable for key stakeholders and staff of all levels who wish to maximise results from business meetings, to learn about relevant communication strategies, and to understand more about objective setting and effective communication strategies.

Here we train attendees on how to have a "winning meeting" with a client or prospective client. This session examines not only pitching (formally or informally) but general meeting management itself in a Client Development context. We show that a good meeting takes preparation in advance.

Given the increasing amount of time people spend in client meetings, it is critical that this time be spent efficiently and productively.

Unfortunately in most corporations today up to 75% of the meeting time is either wasted or unproductive. In order to be successful, business meetings need to be well planned, well managed, and action oriented.

This session covers all the key points that the attendee will need to excel in so as to make the meeting a real success. Issues related to pitching, both formally and informally, are touched upon, however, the overall session focuses on general meeting management.

Class Goals

·       Learn the fundamentals of conducting meetings.

·       Learn the purpose of meetings.

·       Learn to plan meetings.

·       Learn to participate effectively in meetings.

·       Learn to establish the purpose and agenda for meetings.

·       Learn the role of leaders in meetings.

·       Learn to eliminate groupthink in meetings.

·       Learn to resolve conflicts in meetings.

·       Learn to eliminate groupthink in meetings.

·       Learn to interpret nonverbal communication in meetings.

·       Learn to communicate clearly in meetings.

·       Learn to facilitate participants' progress toward the meeting goals.

·       Learn to conclude successful meetings.


Attendees will get the tools, skills and strategies to confidently conduct meetings for a variety of purposes. 

A course on how to communicate successfully in any  both formal and informal business circumstances.


1.      Basics

·         The purpose of the meeting

·         Your objectives and theirs

·         Priorities of attendees

·         Building rapport from the beginning

·         The purpose of meetings

·         Planning meetings

·         Participating in meetings

·         Closing meetings

2.      Managing meetings

·         The role of leaders

·         Decisions and ideas

·         Eliminating groupthink

3.      Conflicts, climates, and difficult personalities

·         Resolving conflicts

·         Meeting climates

4.      Communication

·         Verbal and non-verbal

·         How others see us

·         Body language

·         What we say, how we say it

·         Listening

5.      Listening effectively and asking questions

·         Improving listening skills

·         Asking effective questions

6.      Communicating nonverbally

·         Nonverbal communication

·         Interpreting nonverbal communication

7.      Strategies

·         Planning ahead

·         Saying Yes and No

·         Giving and receiving feedback

·         Dealing with manipulation

·         Dealing with disagreements

Practical feedback

Note:  All our corporate training programs are customized to the clients' requirements.

Technical Support

The present course is conducted with the use of following equipment: PC or  laptop, projector, a flipchart and markers.

The course is a combination of theoretical knowledge and practical skills.

It is designed for studying the main concepts and theories in business communication as well as for developing business communication skills needed in the global market.

On one hand, the participants raise awareness of theories of communication, culture, language and society and their applications in business interactions. On the other hand, one of the basic objectives of the course is to improve Business English skills and developing language confidence.

Thus, the course will help the participants to become good communicators and let them get more confidence in coping with communication problems in modern business environment.

The course focuses on knowledge of basic points of cross-cultural business communication. Strong practical communicating skills are considered to be the core competencies of a successful business person and an essential part of any university education all over the world.

! Предварительная подготовка :  Желательно заранее прислать наиболее острые и волнующие вопросы из тех, что будут освещаться на семинаре. Это сэкономит время и сделает семинар более практичным.

! Возможно проведение мероприятия в корпоративном, индив. формате, в форме вебинара.

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Обучение может пройти в форме вебинара. При проведении вебинара программа разбивается на блоки по 4 ак. часа.
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Хотите пройти обучение индивидуально в удобные для Вас даты? Пришлите нам заявку для согласования программы и дат. Минимальная длительность: 1 день - 8 ак. часов (1 академический час = 45 мин.). Занятия проводятся в оборудованном тренинг-зале в центре Санкт-Петербурга. В стоимость входят рабочие материалы, сертификат, кофе-брейки.
Участники из других городов могут заказать индивидуальное обучение в форме вебинара. При проведении вебинара программа разбивается на блоки по 4 ак. часа.

При корректировке программы обучения под пожелания Клиента возможно изменение стоимости.

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